If you found this page, it means you are one of the many operators who need a winch to get work done, and now that winch needs some help. After more than 30 years of helping customers pull large loads, we’ve developed www.dozerwinchparts.com to offer faster service to customers who have better things to do than search through manuals for part numbers and figure out the most cost effective way to repair a damaged winch. We specialize in CARCO, PACCAR, HYSTER, ALLIED, and USED CAT winches.
Winches are used most often in the extreme applications like pipeline construction, oil fields, tile plow, rescue, and derailment. These applications are hard on equipment, and especially hard on winches always pulling bigger and bigger loads.
Eventually something will break, and we will be here to get you back on the job as quickly as possible at the best price. Give us a call or use our online tools and resources to checkout fast.